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Changes to our repairs service contractor

28 January 2025

Over the next few months, you may notice small changes to our repairs service and the contractors that we use to complete your repairs. Gilmartins and United Living will be taking over from MCP from 1 April as our two main contractors and they will complete repairs raised by customers living in London and the East of England, which includes Hertfordshire. From now until April, we’ll be using a range of trusted contractors to deliver our repairs and maintain the service while this changeover takes place.

Our contract with MCP, the main contractor we use to deliver our repairs in London and the East of England, including Hertfordshire, ends on 31 March 2025. They’ve been completing most of the repairs to your home and communal areas that you raised with us over the last two years, and before then if you live in the East of England.

As part of our contract review and renewal, we’ve decided to appoint two main contractors who will each focus on repairs in specific regions. Gilmartins will be covering most of the repairs in Central, North West and West London, and United Living will be covering most of the repairs in the East of England and North and East London. We’re confident that having two main contractors, with a regional focus, will support us to respond to your repairs request more efficiently.

How this will affect you

We aim to keep our service running as usual with minimal disruption to you, and we will continue to respond to your repair requests as usual during the change of service provider. As we work through the change, you may experience a slight delay in us attending to your repair. If we’re aware of any delays to this service, we will let you know when you raise a repair with us or when we respond to your repair request, depending on how you report it to us.

To minimise any potential delays to our repairs service, while we bring in our two main contractors, we will be using existing contractors we’ve worked with before, as well as Gilmartins and United Living. MCP will also continue to complete some of the repairs you raise with us up until the end of March. Any contractor we use to complete a repair for you will show ID when coming to your home. If you have any concerns about any contractor visiting your home on our behalf, please get in touch.

You can also continue to report a repair to us in the usual ways:

You will not be able to schedule a routine repair when you report it to us, but one of our contractors will contact you within three working days to book an appointment with you. Routine repairs are those which are unlikely to cause serious health and safety problems or serious damage if they are not fixed straight away. For example, repairs to taps, gutters, doors and windows. We typically aim to complete responsive repairs within 42 days.

Please note, we will continue to respond to and prioritise emergency repairs, therefore you can continue to contact us on 0300 373 3000 if you have an emergency repair to report. Emergency repairs are situations where there is a risk to someone’s health or safety, your home is not secure, or there is damage that is rapidly getting worse.

To find out more information about our repairs service and how long your repair will take, visit the repairs section on our website.

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