FACEBOOK : Our Facebook accounts for Network Homes and Network Homes sales have been compromised. We’re doing everything we can to liaise with Facebook and resolve this issue. Until then, please do not use our Facebook accounts to contact us and ignore any messages or posts you receive from our Facebook accounts.

Leasehold fees and payments

As the managing agent for your building, there may be occasions where you require services from us which are not covered by your service charge. Here you can find a list of services you may require and the charge for each of the services.

If you require any of these services from us, please note that we have a 10 working day response time to all enquiries. We also require full payment before we can complete your request for any of these paid services. 

Leasehold fees and payment services

Sales Management Pack/Solicitors Enquires, etc is £200 excluding VAT*

Further queries following the issue of a Sales Management Pack:

  • 1 to 3 queries is £40 including VAT
  • 4 to 6 queries is £80 including VAT
  • 7 to 10 queries is £120 including VAT

*Please note: This charge may not be applicable if we are not the managing agent, as their fees may differ.

  • Notice of Transfer and Charge is £80 including VAT
  • Notice of Transfer is £40 including VAT
  • Notice of Mortgage is £40.00 including VAT
  • Certificate of Compliance is £40.00 including VAT – This will be provided once the Notice is executed. Please provide title deed and relevant sections of the lease that you want complied with.

Please ensure you send Notice and Certificate of Compliance enquiries to the following email address: Notices@networkhomes.org.uk

  • Re-mortgage queries or Buy-To-Let:
    - Basic queries is £120 including VAT 
    - In-depth queries, i.e. copies of Section 20s, Major works, etc is £240 including VAT
  • Copy of Lease is £30 including VAT
  • Pet Request (if Freeholder is Network Homes) is £20 including VAT 
  • Alterations request administrative fee is £100 including VAT 
  • Lease extension administrative fee is £130 including VAT 
  • Equity Redemption administrative fee is £130 including VAT 
  • Subletting Registration is £100 including VAT 
  • Lodgers Registration Fee is £20 including VAT 
  • Deed of Covenant is £175.00 + VAT
  • Lease Extensions (Legal Fees) is £750 + VAT
  • Deed of Variation for Leases (Draft and Approve) is £750 + VAT
  • Deed of Variation for Leases (Review and advise) is £500 + VAT
  • Licence to Assign is £200 + VAT
  • Licence to Alter is £300 + VAT

In addition to the fees already stated that may be applicable on a case by case basis, we may also charge the following:

  • 1% of Full Market Value as a Resales Admin fee (where a buyer is allocated by Network Homes)

We are yet to start charging Staircasing fees, but if this changes you'll be able to find the fees for them in this section.

Sales management pack / Solicitor enquiries fees
Notice of transfer or mortgage charges
Other managing agent fees
Legal services fees
Staircasing and resales fees

How to request chargeable services

If you require any of the services listed on this page, please send your request to our Compliance and Home Ownership Team by either:

  • Email to customerservice@networkhomes.org.uk
  • Post to Compliance and Home Ownership Team, Leasehold Services, Network Homes, The Hive, 22 Wembley Park Boulevard, Wembley, Middlesex, HA9 0HP

If your enquiry is about Notice and Certificate of Compliance, please email us at notices@networkhomes.org.uk 

Please note that we have a 10 working day standard response time to all queries. 

Paying for a chargeable service

For payment of our fees, where possible please pay by BACs to the following account:

Barclays Bank Plc

Account Name: Network Homes Limited

Account Number: 23532763

Sort Code: 20-05-03

Reference: First line of address

If you pay by BACs, please note that due to the number of transactions we receive it can take some time for our payment to show up in our accounts. We will accept a screenshot receipt (showing Network Homes account details) of your BACs payment as confirmation.

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