NEW CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT PANELS: We recently announced our new SNG customer framework, with new opportunities for customers to help improve our services and hold us to account. We’re now looking for customers to be a part of our new Customer Influence Panel and our new Scrutiny Panel. Click here to find out more about the new panels, and apply to join by 22 September.

FACEBOOK : Our Facebook accounts for Network Homes and Network Homes sales have been compromised. We’re doing everything we can to liaise with Facebook and resolve this issue. Until then, please do not use our Facebook accounts to contact us and ignore any messages or posts you receive from our Facebook accounts.

Cost of living help

Rising cost of living is a key concern for people nationwide at the moment and it can be overwhelming to keep track of what can be done to ease the impact of increased outgoings. We want to make it easy for residents to access useful advice and support that can hopefully reduce the rising cost of running your home this winter. On this page, you can find a breakdown of cost of living support available, as well as more specific information, advice and support on rising energy prices, reducing the amount of energy you need to pay for, and managing your money.

How can we help?

Our Welfare and Benefit Advisors are here to help

You can contact us to speak to one of our Welfare & Benefit Advisors, or call 0300 373 3000 and they can work with you to try to support you getting all the benefits you may be entitled to.

Charitable fund

We also have a charitable fund for residents that you can access if you are experiencing financial difficulties. Some residents have received fuel vouchers to help with energy costs. You will need to apply if you would like to receive support from the charitable fund. You can find out more information on our website at Network Homes' Charitable Fund.

Support from the Government, charities and external organisations

A payment of £650 for households on means tested benefits (including Universal Credit) paid in two instalments (one in July 2022 and another in autumn 2022). This is paid directly from the Department of Work & Pensions (DWP). 

There will be additional cost of living payments made to those eligible in spring 2023 and spring 2024. These are:

  • £301 for people on an eligible low income benefit, to be paid during spring 2023
  • £300 for people on an eligible low income benefit, to be paid during autumn 2023
  • £299 for people on an eligible low income benefit, to be paid in spring 2024.

This payment will be made automatically and does not need to be applied for. Find out more about these payments here: Cost of Living Payment 2022 - GOV.UK (

A £150 payment to those receiving certain disability benefits such as Personal Independence Payments, Attendance Allowance or Disability Living Allowance. This was paid directly into the bank accounts of those receiving disability benefits in September 2022. £150 was paid for each person in the household receiving a qualifying benefit before 25 May 2022. This was paid in addition to the £650 Cost of Living payment for those on means tested benefits.

There will be an additional disability cost of living payment of £150 for people on an eligible disability benefits which will be paid during summer 2023.

This payment will be made automatically and does not need to be applied for. Find out more about these payments here: Cost of Living Payment 2022 - GOV.UK (

The UK Government awarded councils in England a pot of £1 billion. Residents who meet the eligibility criteria can apply for funds to cover the purchase of essential items or pay essential household bills. Please check your local council’s website for more information.

£150 council tax rebate, this should have been paid direct into banks of everyone who pays council tax by direct debit, those not paying Council Tax or pay in other ways need to make an application to their local authority, every local authority has a different system, please contact your local authority for information.

For more information and independent debt advice you can contact any of the following agencies:

  • National Debtline - Free, confidential, and independent debt advice for individuals who are not self-employed. Phone 0808 808 4000 or visit
  • StepChange Debt Charity - A charity providing free, confidential, and independent debt advice for individuals who are not self-employed. Phone: 0800 138 1111 or visit
  • Citizens Advice - Citizens Advice Bureau provide free, independent, and confidential advice to those who are not self-employed on their rights and responsibilities. Phone: 0800 144 8848 or visit

You can also find out lots of useful information from Turn2Us, a national charity providing practical help to people who are struggling financially. Click here to visit their website.

If you’re struggling with paying your water bills, you may be able to apply for help from your water supplier to temporarily reduce your bill, or to cap or pay a discounted rate for future bills.

The UK's largest water company Thames Water offer the WaterSure bill cap and WaterHelp scheme which aim to lighten the load on households in need of extra support. The WaterSure bill cap is available to help people on a water meter who are finding it hard to save water because they have a large family or water-dependent medical condition. The WaterHelp scheme provides a discounted water bill for low income households. To find out more about these schemes and apply, click here or the button below.

Thames Water's financial support schemes

We know that residents' water suppliers may vary, so to find out details and advice on what support your supplier provide, please visit the debt charity Step Change's website: Help Paying Your Water Bills. StepChange Debt Charity

More help with paying your water bills

Government cost of living payment
Disability cost of living payment
Household support fund
Council tax rebate
Debt advice and support
Support with your water bills

Stay up to date with any changes or additions to the support provided by the Government by checking their cost of living support factsheet: Cost of living support factsheet- GOV.UK (

More cost of living support and advice

More advice

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