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Domestic abuse

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  • If you are in immediate danger always call 999 and ask for the Police. 
  • If you can't speak call 999 followed by 55 when the operator answers (or tap or cough into the phone) this will alert the operator and the police to respond Abuse 24 hour Support Helpline - 0808 2000 247.

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If you are a victim of domestic abuse, and wish to speak to someone at SNG about this, please click here to contact us and speak to a Neighbourhood Officer.  Please be assured, if you request a callback from us about this, we will not leave a voicemail or discuss your case with anyone else who may answer your phone.

Types of domestic abuse


Using technology including social networking and texting, to intimidate, stalk, harass and bully a partner. This includes verbal and emotional abuse perpetrated online


This can include behaviour such as:

  • restricting friends on social media
  • sending threatening, insulting, negative communications
  • using social media sites to stalk
  • negative posts and/or about partner
  • sending and/or demanding explicit images and/or videos
  • stealing and/or demanding passwords
  • constant communications causing fear to be separated from phone in case of punishment
  • frequently checking pictures, messages and call history. 


Physical abuse is the most recognised form of domestic abuse. This is any unwanted, intentional and violent contact with the partner’s body.
Sexual abuse is having power over a partner without their consent. This refers to any action that pressures a partner to do something sexually against their consent.


Physical abuse can include behaviour such as slapping, choking, strangulation, shoving, kicking, pinching, punching, biting, burning, beating, maiming, killing, using objects and/or weapons, pulling hair, grabbing clothing, preventing partner from leaving, forcing partner to go somewhere, refusing medical care, controlling medication. 

Sexual abuse includes any unwanted or non-consensual sexual interactions' with a person.


Behaviour that interferes with a person’s ability to maintain, acquire and use economic resources such as money, transportation and utilities. Making a person economically dependent on the abuser and limiting their ability to escape and access safety. Economic abuse is a distinct type of abuse and included specifically within the Domestic Abuse Act 2021.


This can include behaviour such as:

  • preventing a person from claiming welfare benefits
  • taking sole control of the family income without permission
  • placing wages into their own account and denying access
  • restricting/refusing access to bank accounts
  • damaging a person’s property
  • controlling and/or not allowing access to food/utilities/transportation/mobile phone
  • interfering with a person’s education/employment/training
  • causing partner to be fired from work due to harassing them, their employer and/or colleagues
  • damaging partner’s credit score. 


Emotional and psychological abuse is as harmful as physical violence and is defined as threats, intimidation, isolation, stalking, insults, humiliation. 


This can include behaviour such as:

  • blaming partner’s actions for their abusive behaviour
  • damaging partner’s property when angry
  • threats to harm partner, pet and/or loved ones
  • extreme jealousy
  • isolation from family, friends, colleagues, acquaintances and/or neighbours
  • threatening to commit suicide if partner leaves
  • intentionally embarrassing partner in public
  • name calling and putting partner down
  • making partner feel immature and/or guilty if they don’t consent to sexual contact
  • screaming/yelling.


Behaviour that causes someone in a current or former intimate or family relationship to fear violence will be used against them or causes them distress, serious alarm and/or substantially affects their daily life and activities. A pattern (more than once) of humiliation, intimidation, threats, assault or other abuse used to frighten harm or punish.


This can include behaviour such as:

  • A pattern of controlling behaviour
  • isolating a person from their family and friends
  • taking control of their finances, mobile phone; social media; what they wear; who they see and speak with
  • tracking their movements
  • destroying possessions
  • deprivation of food
  • deprivation of personal hygiene.
Online, digital or technological abuse
Physical and/or sexual abuse
Economic or financial abuse
Emotional or psychological abuse
Controlling or coercive behaviour

Support available

If you have concerns that another resident is suffering domestic abuse, you can also click here to contact us. If you feel something is happening right now, please call the police on 999. You can find help and support from the National Domestic Violence 24 hour Helpline, Women’s Aid and Refuge on this helpline number 0808 2000 247. For more local and national organisations and services that can support people experiencing domestic abuse, and details on how to contact them, click the headings below.

General support for people experiencing domestic abuse 

Victim Support

Victim Support work towards a world where people affected by crime or traumatic events get the support they need and the respect they deserve. They help people feel safer and find the strength to move beyond crime. Their support is free, confidential and tailored.

The Bright Sky app

You can click here to download the Bright Sky app onto your mobile device. Bright Sky allows you to record incidents of domestic abuse and has details of support agencies that can help you.

Future Living

An independent charity and service for those in recovery from addiction and domestic abuse, providing a safe, non-judgemental therapeutic environment.

Karma Nirvana

Karma Nirvana supports both male and female victims of honour crimes and forced marriages. Its staff and most of its 18 volunteers are survivors of forced marriage and/or 'honour'-based violence.


Work with the cause of the problem (perpetrators), support for male victims, early intervention for families and teen relationships.


For men, women and adolescents who have experienced sexual abuse.

  • www.safeline.org.uk
  • Main helpline: 01926 402 498
  • Specialist men's helpline: 0808 800 5005
  • Specialist young people’s helpline: 0808 800 5007

Standing Together

Standing Together supports organisations, including the police, criminal justice partners, social services, healthcare workers and charities, to identify and respond effectively together to domestic violence. Their ultimate aim is to help these agencies to work in partnership, so that people receive the best support at the time they need it.

The London Whole Housing Service Partnership (LWHSP), led by charity Advance, provides specialist housing support for women who have survived domestic abuse. Their support covers 11 London Boroughs: Brent, Camden, Ealing, Hackney, Hammersmith & Fulham, Hillingdon, Harrow, Hounslow, Havering, Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster. You can click here find out more about the support offered by the LWHSP. You can make a referral to London Whole Housing Service Partnership on the Advance Charity website at www.advancecharity.org.uk, request a referral form by emailing LWHSP@Advancecharity.org.uk or call 0800 059 0121.

Here are London domestic abuse support services based in specific boroughs:

Barking and Dagenham


Barking and Dagenham Council commissions an independent domestic and sexual abuse service, run by Refuge, to support victims of domestic and sexual abuse. The service will support all and any victim of domestic abuse, including men. They are here to provide you with the expert advice and guidance you need to make you safe. The service provides free support for any victim of domestic, sexual or gender-based violence for as long as it’s needed. The service responds to crisis situations, as well as supports people to recover and rebuild their lives.


Solace Womens Aid 

Solace Women’s Aid provide a refuge with 10 bed spaces. They accept referrals from any source including self‐referrals (if a third party is making the referral, the woman must be present and able to speak with refuge staff).

Solace Advocacy and Support Service Barnet (SASS Barnet)

The Advocacy and Support Service is provided by Solace Advocacy and Support Service Barnet (SASS Barnet) in partnership with Jewish Women’s Aid and Barnet Asian Women’s Association. The service works across all risk levels and is available to women and men aged 16+ who live in the borough. The service addresses the risks and needs of domestic abuse survivors and their children from the point of crisis through recovery and onto independent lives. The key underlying principles of this integrated, holistic service are service users’ safety and empowerment.



Advance is an independent charity for all of those living in Brent who have experienced domestic abuse (male and female, including teenagers) and their children.


Camden Holistic Therapeutic Support Service

As part of the Solace Women’s Aid service, they offer support for people who have been affected by domestic abuse and who live, work or study in Camden. They offer:

  • Counselling for all genders – up to 15 weekly sessions of domestic abuse exploratory counselling
  • Group work for adult women, including: ARISE, an 8-week domestic abuse and education workshop; Work4Women, 5-week employment, education and training focused sessions; Women’s Voices, informal drop-in, peer support and fun activities such as yoga, creative writing and life skills
  • Support for Parents - for mothers/female carers of children affected by domestic abuse. They run some groups in Bengali and Somali languages with their partner Hopscotch
  • Children and young people’s art therapy service – up to 15 weekly sessions for children who have been affected by domestic abuse.

Camden Safety Net

Camden Safety Net provides advice and support to male and female survivors of domestic violence and sexual violence, including: counselling and therapeutic services advocacy services, risk assessments and action plans to enhance safety same-sex domestic and sexual violence support, referrals to appropriate agencies such as women's aid refuges, housing, legal services, parenting support and counselling. To be eligble, you must be 16 years old or older and must live, work or study in Camden.


Bromley and Croydon Women’s Aid (BCWA)

 BCWA runs ‘Keys to Freedom’ support groups for survivors of domestic abuse. The groups help women who have experienced domestic abuse to understand what happened to them, how it happened, and to then move forward confidently into their futures.


Southall Black Sisters

Support for domestic violence victims from Black and Minority Ethnic groups and advice on immigration issues. This is a women-only service.

Advance Ealing

Their services are available for anyone living in Ealing who is aged 18+ regardless of their sex, ethnicity, sexuality , immigration status, physical and mental heath. If you are experiencing domestic violence and abuse, Advance is here to support you no matter what you decide to do. They can listen, help you understand your options, explain your legal rights, talk to the police for you, help you get to safer housing or even attend court with you.


Solace Womens Aid

The Solace Advocacy and Support Service (SASS) in Enfield works in partnership with Enfield Children’s Centres and has domestic abuse caseworkers co-located in centres across the borough to support families with children under 5. The aim of the service is to support and empower families to take the steps needed to deal with any immediate risks and to be able to make safe choices in the future.

Saheli Enfield

Saheli provide a telephone advice and counselling over the phone. They can be contact via phone or e-mail.

Enfield Council

Enfield Council have a Domestic Abuse Hub, which provides a multi-agency response to anyone fleeing domestic abuse. The hub allows them to increase safe opportunities for those most in need, offer a joined-up holistic response to domestic abuse, respond to concerns quickly to reduce risks and ensure safety of children and vulnerable adults


Hestia Hackney Domestic Abuse Service

Hestia Hackney supports over 600 women and children across London each year who are surviving domestic abuse. They provide:

Hackney Domestic Abuse Intervention Service

This service will listen to you, assess how safe you are, provide information and support on your legal and housing rights, support you if you go to court, help you to obtain legal protection and work with you and other professionals to help make you safer. Making you safer might involve helping you separate from the person who is hurting you, bringing in additional services to assist you with different needs that you have or by trying to reduce the risks you face if remaining with the person who is hurting you. If it is safe to do so - and following discussions with you -they can engage directly with the person who is hurting you to try and reduce the harm they are causing you.

Sistah Space

The service provides specialist practical support for the African and Caribbean heritage women who often face barriers when trying to access support. A diverse range of services that include support for the Windrush generation, Mango Mornings, where survivors can access group support as alternative to coffee mornings and the Aunty Initiative which encourages young women and girls to engage with ‘bigger sistahs’/ older women for help and advice around domestic and other abuse. They also run skills development classes such as African dance, keep fit and sewing classes are among the services offered.

Hammersmith and Fulham

The Angelou Partnership

The Angelou Partnership has been commissioned by Hammersmith and Fulham Council to deliver the borough’s Violence Against Women and Girls services. The Angelou Partnership can offer support ranging from increasing safety and understanding the criminal justice system, to enhancing emotional wellbeing. The partnership can support you over the phone, face to face, or in a group format depending on the needs and preferences of the survivor. They also offer translators for their services.


Hearthstone Domestic Violence Advice and Support Centre

Hearthstone provides emotional and practical support for anyone experiencing domestic abuse in Haringey. They can support with housing advice including access to refuge accommodation, free legal advice on a range of civil remedies such as injunctions, access to solicitors who provide free legal advice around family matters, sanctuary scheme to make your home more secure, working with you to plan ways to increase your safety, access to counselling

Haringey Floating Support Service (Solace)

Haringey Floating Support Service provides free and confidential advice, support and advocacy to women and girls over the age of 16 affected by domestic and sexual violence who are considered standard to medium risk. Their team offers short to medium term support to increase safety.


Harrow Community Safety Unit

The community safety unit is a specialist unit based in Harrow with police officers dealing specifically with domestic abuse. They are responsible for the investigation of hate crimes within the Borough of Harrow.

Harrow Independent Domestic Violence Advisors (IDVA )

IDVAs are trained specialists who have extensive knowledge of the criminal justice system, the civil court system and local services. They can provide counselling and support. This service offers support to both men and women (16+) who are currently experiencing domestic abuse. Support is tailored to individual needs and is focused on reducing the risk and minimising the harm of the trauma of domestic abuse.


Hillingdon Women's Centre

Hillingdon Women’s Centre has been supporting the needs of women in the local community. They provide access to services and work with women to overcome barriers in their lives in order to thrive. They are a proudly feminist, safe, and women-only space and are inclusive of all women. They are passionate about gender equality and ending Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG). Their services are client-led; they listen, provide information and enable women to make their own choices and take control of their lives.


One Stop Shop

Every Wednesday (10am-12pm) they hold a free, weekly drop-in service for anyone experiencing domestic abuse, sexual abuse and other forms of gender-based violence. You don't need to make an appointment and can get face-to-face advice and support on issues including safety, accommodation, legal and childcare matters at one location. Representatives from Hounslow's Domestic and Sexual Violence Outreach Service and other gender-based violence services are available for assistance.


IMECE Women Centre

IMECE Women’s Centre is a women-only organisation that aims to empower Turkish, Kurdish and Cypriot Turkish women as well as Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic and Refugee women by providing culturally sensitive specialist services. In particular, IMECE specialises in providing support for women experiencing abuse, harmful practices such as forced marriage and 'honour' based violence.

Solace in Islington

Solace's Independent Domestic Abuse Advocacy (IDVAs) offer information, advocacy and specialist services to increase safety and meet a range of needs – these can include ongoing safety concerns, emotional or housing support, legal options, reporting to the police, help around child contact, benefits and financial advice. The service is for Islington residents only. They work with 13 to 17 year olds in abusive relationships (including intimate partner relationships, child sexual exploitation and gang exploitation). This is not a service for young people who have witnessed domestic violence in the home, but a targeted service for young people in abusive relationships themselves. Their IDSVA’s are based in Sexual Health Clinics across Islington.

Kensingston and Chelsea

The Angelou Partnership

Angelou can provide support if you have been subjected to any form of violence against women or girls. The Angelou Partnership can offer support ranging from increasing safety and understanding the criminal justice system, to enhancing emotional wellbeing. The partnership can support you over the phone, face to face, or in a group format depending on the needs and preferences of those affected. They provide specialist support to Black, Minority and Ethnic and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender communities. Angelou support is moving from face-to-face sessions to telephone and online based support. They also offer translators for their services.

Kingston Upon Thames

Kingston Domestic Violence (DV) Hub

The Kingston Domestic Violence Hub (DV Hub) provides free, confidential, non-judgmental and independent support to anyone who is experiencing domestic violence. DV Hub workers support all victims of domestic violence. Whatever your age, sex, gender, sexuality, religion, race or disability, they will either directly support you or link you with the service most appropriate for your needs. The hub is not a drop-in service, but if you wish, a domestic violence worker will arrange to meet with you and talk to you face to face. The DV Hub also delivers empowerment programmes for women.


The Gaia Centre

The Gaia Centre (run by Refuge) provides confidential, non-judgmental, and independent support services for those living in Lambeth who are experiencing gender-based violence, including domestic abuse and sexual violence.


Survivors Together

Survivors Together is a friendly and welcoming online social group based in East London for female survivors of sexual abuse. 

Hestia Newham

Hestia provides emotional and practical support to those experiencing domestic abuse in Newham and wider communities. Nobody should live their life in fear of physical, financial, sexual or emotional abuse.


Reach Out

Reach Out is a support service for any adult or child in Redbridge who is being abused or at fear of being abused. The service is able to provide help and emotional support for a victim, counselling and practical advice on issues such as housing, finance and benefits.

Richmond Upon Thames

Hestia Richmond

Hestia provides Independent Domestic Abuse Advocacy (IDVA) support and refuge accommodation for victims and their children suffering from domestic abuse. They offer both emotional and practical support to ensure that every service user has an up to date risk assessment and support plan tailored to their individual needs.

One Stop Shop

Free drop-in service every Friday (10am-12pm) providing legal advice, information, and support to those experiencing domestic abuse.

Tower Hamlets

Ask for ANI

Ask for ANI is a campaign that helps those at risk or suffering abuse to get support within pharmacies. If you ask a trained pharmacy worker for ANI, they will take you to a private area. They will then help you get support from the police or other services such as a domestic abuse helpline. 

WIT - Women's Inclusive Team HAWAA project

Women’s Inclusive Team (WIT) supports Black and Ethnic Minority communities in Tower Hamlets through youth programmes, women’s empowerment projects, mental health support and their food bank and community kitchen. The HAAWA Project works to break bias by empowering Somali women to access support and to be free from all forms of abuse.

Tower Hamlets Solace

Tower Hamlets Solace Advocacy and Support Service (SASS) is a crisis intervention service, which provides advice and support to people aged 16+ in Tower Hamlets who are currently experiencing domestic abuse. The priority for ongoing support is given to victim/survivors who are identified as high risk, homeless, or experiencing economic abuse.

Waltham Forest

Haven Network

Haven Network is here for survivors of sexual abuse and domestic violence. It is the only organisation in Waltham Forest and the surrounding London boroughs that offers a specific service to victims of sexual violence and/or sexual abuse and domestic violence.

Waltham Forest Solace Women’s Aid

Providing practical and emotional support, information, and help to access specialist services such as legal options, financial advice, and reporting to the police.


Hestia Wandsworth

Hestia provides Independent Domestic Abuse Advocacy (IDVA) support and refuge accommodation for victims and their children suffering from domestic abuse. They offer both emotional and practical support to ensure that every service user has an up to date risk assessment and support plan tailored to their individual needs.


My Ally (Watford Women's Centre)

My Ally is a service run by Watford Women’s Centre that provides emotional and practical support to women who have been subjected to domestic abuse through a support line and e-mail.


The Freedom Programme

The Freedom Programme is a course for women who are experiencing domestic abuse or who have experienced it in a past relationship. It is a support group that helps women to deal with their situation in a confidential and safe environment. It also aims to help women understand and recognise potential unhealthy relationships and signs of abusive behaviour.

Berkshire Women's Aid (BWA)

BWA's mission is to work with survivors to find immediate routes to safety to recover and rebuild. They are part of a community tackling the impact of domestic abuse.

Hertfordshire SADA (Survivors Against Domestic Abuse)

SADA provide support and crisis intervention for people in North Herts and Stevenage experiencing domestic abuse. The SADA team offers a variety of support for victims, survivors, and their families, this includes:

Herts Domestic Abuse Helpline

Herts Domestic Abuse Helpline is a confidential, free, support and signposting service for anyone affected by domestic abuse.

Home Start

They provide crucial domestic abuse and domestic violence support groups for women in Bedfordshire. Home-Start supports women who are suffering from an abusive relationship. They also support survivors who are no longer victims of domestic abuse.


MK ACT is a charity in Milton Keynes which works with over 100 families’ every day to help them move on from fear and abuse. They have been providing safe emergency accommodation in Milton Keynes for people and their children escaping domestic violence for over 45 years.

The Dash Charity

Supporting people experiencing domestic abuse in the communities of East Berkshire and South Buckinghamshire. They help survivors access free legal help, obtain injunctions, arrange for them to have screens and video-links if giving evidence at court and support them on the day. 

Wycombe Women's Aid

Wycombe Women’s Aid is a registered charity working in the Wycombe, South Bucks and Chiltern Districts of Buckinghamshire. They work with women and children who are experiencing or trying to escape domestic violence and who are dealing with its effects and consequences.

Specialist help for black, asian and minority ethnic people


Bawso provides practical and emotional prevention, protection and support services to Black Minority Ethnic (BME) and migrant victims of Domestic Abuse, Sexual Violence, Female Genital Mutilation, Forced Marriage, Honour Based Violence, Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking.


RISE offers specialised, confidential support for Black and minoritised women.

Specialist help available for disabled victims

Stay Safe East

Stay Safe East is run by and for disabled people. They provide advocacy and support services to survivors of domestic abuse, sexual violence, hate crime, harassment and other forms of abuse, serving communities in London.

Specialist help available for LGBT victims


Provides emotional and practical support for LGBT+ people experiencing domestic abuse.

Specialist help for male victims

  • respect.uk.net (for male victims of domestic abuse and also men that are concerned about their own behaviour)

Safer London

Their young men’s service works one-to-one with young men aged 11 to 18 with harmful or inappropriate attitudes to sex and relationships.

Survivors UK

Survivors UK Information, support and counselling for men who have been raped or sexually abused.


Their confidential helpline is available for male victims of domestic abuse and domestic violence across the UK as well as their friends, family, neighbours, work colleagues and employers. They provide an information, support and signposting service to men suffering from domestic abuse from their current or former wife, partner (including same-sex partner) or husband.

Specialist help for women victims


Refuge is a large domestic abuse organisation for women and children, which runs a 24-hour national helpline.

Women's Aid

Women’s Aid is the national charity working to end domestic abuse against women and children. They provide life-saving services across England while building a future where domestic abuse is not tolerated.

Her Centre

Empowering women to move away from abuse and forward with their lives.


IKWRO are committed to providing non-judgmental support to women who speak Kurdish, Arabic, Turkish, Farsi, Dari, Pashtu and English.


Organisation dedicated to addressing violence against Black and minoritised women and girls

Justice for Women

Organisation for women who have fought back against violent men

London Black Women's Project

They support women and girls. They can help with information, housing and homelessness, safe space, healing and recovery through art, advice and advocacy, keyworking and therapeutic support.

Woman's Trust

Woman’s Trust is a charity that provides free counselling and therapy for female survivors of domestic violence, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, and other forms of domestic abuse.

Specialist help available for younger victims

Call Childline: 0800 1111 If you’re a child or young person and domestic abuse is happening in your home or relationship.

Buttle UK - Chances for Children

Support focuses on the needs of children who have been affected by domestic abuse.

  • https://www.buttleuk.org/areas-of-focus/domestic-abuse
  • 020 7828 7311 

Family Rights Group

For people experiencing domestic violence and worried about Social Services contact regarding their children

Specialist help available for older victims

Call Hour Glass on 0808 808 8141 challenging the abuse of older people in all its forms.

You can find more useful information by following the links below:

Nationwide support for people experiencing domestic abuse
London boroughs
Hertfordshire and outside London
Specialist help for black, asian and minority ethnic people
Specialist help available for disabled people
Specialist help available for LGBT people
Specialist help for male people
Specialist help for women people
Specialist help available for younger people
Specialist help available for older people


You can access SafeSpaces online which is an untraceable, online safe space for people experiencing domestic abuse where you can find useful links, support services and information. To access SafeSpaces, select the SafeSpace button below. You can exit the area at anytime using the 'ESC' (Escape) button on your keyboard or using the 'Escape X' in the top right hand corner of the page. You can also access SafeSpace on any page of our website using the SafeSpaces banner in our footer.

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Together we can end domestic abuse

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Together we can end domestic abuse