NEW CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT PANELS: We recently announced our new SNG customer framework, with new opportunities for customers to help improve our services and hold us to account. We’re now looking for customers to be a part of our new Customer Influence Panel and our new Scrutiny Panel. Click here to find out more about the new panels, and apply to join by 22 September.

FACEBOOK : Our Facebook accounts for Network Homes and Network Homes sales have been compromised. We’re doing everything we can to liaise with Facebook and resolve this issue. Until then, please do not use our Facebook accounts to contact us and ignore any messages or posts you receive from our Facebook accounts.

Sign up for our customer newsletter

Woman using a smart phone

Our customer newsletter is digital so we can keep you more informed and up-to-date about what's going on at SNG. We publish the newsletter four times a year and we send it to residents with an email on our database.

If you are a resident with us but have not received the newsletter in your email inbox, it may be going to your spam / junk inbox or we may not have an email address for you on our database. You can provide us with your email address using the form below so that you receive future issues of the newsletter. You can also use the form to request the printed version of the newsletter sent to your home address if you prefer to receive it in this way. 

With each issue, you'll learn how you can get more involved in your community, plus:

  • find out what's going on at SNG
  • read about what's going on local to you
  • get information about local events and fun days
  • access advice and top tips
  • and more!

How to sign up?

If you'd like to receive our free digital newsletter for residents simply complete the form below.

Sign up for our resident email newsletter and email updates - for leaseholders and tenants!

By completing this form you are subscribing to receive our digital newsletter which helps us to fulfil our business legitimate interest of providing you updates. Your data will be used for this process only until you unsubscribe via the instructions in the newsletter and will only be shared with our mailing provider Dot Digital.

For more information on how we will handle your data, please see our Privacy statement.

Information about activities and services relevant to you

We sometimes have information about activities and services that may be relevant to you that is not part of our core landlord duties. This includes resident events, training and employment opportunities, wellbeing advice, competitions and more which may be provided by us or third party organisations. If you would like us to send you details about these activities and services, please let us know by completing our Opt in services consent form.

Open Opt in services form



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