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Keeping a pet as a tenant

You must get our permission in writing before you keep any pet in your home. We'll always give our permission when a resident needs an assistance, guide or hearing dog.

You must apply for a pet in writing which you can do so by completing our pet application form. Please return the form to your Neighbourhood Officer at your local office or your nearest main office below:

Wembley office: The Hive, 22 Wembley Park Boulevard, Wembley, HA9 0HP

Hertford office: 36 Ware Road, Hertford, SG13 7HH

You can also email your completed form to your Neighbourhood Officer at customerservice@networkhomes.org.uk

Download the pet application form

Keeping a pet as a leaseholder or shared owner

Leaseholders and shared owners should check their lease agreement or speak to the Leasehold Services Team first to see if they are allowed pets and if so, permission must be obtained in writing.

Our guide to keeping pets

What pets are allowed?

Permission may be granted for domestic pets such as cats, dogs, fish, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters/gerbils, caged birds and reptiles.

Permission may not be granted if you have a history of animal nuisance or if the property is not suitable for the animal, such as a large dog in a small flat.

Under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 you are not permitted to keep the following types of dog, unless a Certificate of Exemption has been obtained: Pit Bull Terrier, Japanese Tosa, Dogo Argentino, Fila Brasileiro or XL Bully.

Animals are not allowed to be kept for breeding purposes.

You are not allowed to keep livestock, wild animals or endangered species under any circumstances.

Keeping a pet without permission

If you keep a pet in breach of your tenancy agreement, a Neighbourhood Officer will request that you re-house the pet within 10 working days. If after 10 days no action has been taken to re-house your pet, we will take further action against you.

Nuisance pets

If you have permission to keep your pet but it is causing a nuisance, you will be warned to control its behaviour. In cases of persistent nuisance you will be asked to re-house your pet. Nuisance complaints will be responded to within 10 working days.

Pet welfare

To make sure your pet is happy and healthy you must make sure your pet:

  • Has a proper diet and plenty of fresh water
  • Has somewhere suitable to live, with enough space for all the animals if you have more than one pet
  • Is kept with, or away from other animals, depending on its needs
  • Is allowed to express itself or behave normally
  • Is protected from pain, suffering, injury or disease

If you witness animal abuse you can report it to the RSPCA confidentially on 0300 1234 999 or on the RSPCA website

Dog owner responsibilities

By law when in public dogs must wear a collar with the name and address including postcode of its owner. It is helpful to include your phone number as well. From 6 April 2016 all dogs must be microchipped by law. This will help you to be reunited with your dog if it becomes lost. Microchipping is only effective if your details are up to date, so notify the database you are registered with if you move house or change your phone number.

Noise complaints

You must make sure that your animal is kept in proper care and control. It must not cause a nuisance to other residents. Dogs may bark for several reasons including boredom, excitement, fear, frustration, loneliness or because they are being territorial. Persistent barking can often be solved by training or neutering the animal. You can also help your dog to stop barking by not leaving them shut indoors for too long.


You must make sure your animal does not foul in public or communal areas, or damage property. If an animal is kept in unsuitable conditions or are not cared for properly, this can be a potential health hazard. This includes, for example, pets fouling inside a property or too many pets inside a property.

If dogs foul in communal areas this is unpleasant for other residents and can be a potential health hazard.

Report dog fouling

Aggression/threatening behaviour

You must not use your pet to threaten or intimidate other residents, visitors or our staff. You must also not allow your pet to intimidate or attack other animals. You must also not use allow your pet to damage property.

Letting your pet injure an assistance dog is a criminal offence. To ensure the safety of others you must keep your dog on a lead at all times in communal areas and must not let them into children’s play areas.


If you see a stray dog, they could belong to another tenant and been allowed to roam unattended or they may be genuine strays. If you know who the owner is, contact them.

If you do not know who the owner is you can report a stray dog online.

What pets are allowed?
Keeping a pet without permission
Nuisance pets
Pet welfare
Dog owner responsibilities
Noise complaints
Aggression/threatening behaviour
Safe Space

Together we can end domestic abuse