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Sharing your experiences with us

04 December 2020

As a landlord, developer of homes and service provider, it’s important to us that we really understand the experiences people have of living in our homes and communities so we can make improvements to address any issues they have. We’ve decided to look at a different way to capture feedback from residents and to do this we’ve partnered up with other housing providers and an organisation called Cognitive Edge. If you live in a home managed by Network Homes, you can take part by sharing your experiences about the community you live in and experiences you’ve had with us. We’ll be capturing your feedback online over an initial three-month period until the end of December 2020, so you have plenty of time to take part.

Stories for sharing

We’ve always relied on the true and tested ways of measuring resident satisfaction through surveys but sometimes this limits the feedback that you can give to us. Cognitive Edge uses a digital platform to capture you’re your feedback in the form of stories you tell us about your experiences. Instead of asking you questions like “Overall how satisfied are you with us as your landlord”, we will be asking you, “If there was a new family moving to your area, what would you tell them about where you live?”. By asking the question in this way it’s more open and allows you to share any feedback you choose to with us.

There are three different areas of experiences we’d like you to share with us:

  • What it’s like where you live under ‘normal’ circumstances. 
  • How Network Homes might do things differently following the Coronavirus pandemic. 
  • General feedback from you about Network Homes.

Sharing your story will help us to understand the issues and opportunities in your community and create ways of addressing these together.

How to take part and share your story

To take part and share your stories, all you need to do is select the ‘share my story’ button below which will open a new tab in your browser. It’s like an online survey where you’ll have a range of questions to answer and usually takes roughly 10 minutes to complete. You’ll also remain anonymous as there will not be any personal questions for you to answer.

Share your story

We’re also looking at other ways to capture your stories as we understand that completing questions online is not suitable for everyone so contact you directly to give you an alternative way to take part.

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