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Network Homes supports community fridge in Sele Farm

25 October 2022

We've joined forces with partners to support an environmentally friendly community fridge in Sele Farm, Hertford. Known as the Hertford Pantry, it officially opened on Saturday 8 October, and features food collected from local shops and supermarkets which would otherwise be disposed of before their sell-by date.

The Hertford Pantry is based outside the Sele Community Hub, which is managed by Network Homes, and will be open for an hour on:

Outside the hub

  • Mondays from 1 to 2pm
  • Wednesdays from 1.30 to 2.30pm
  • Saturdays from 11am to 12pm

In the first week, the initiative provided food to 225 families and stopped 41 supermarket trays of food going to landfill.

The idea behind community fridges is to offer a space which brings people together to eat, connect, learn new skills and reduce food waste. Surplus food from supermarkets, local food businesses, producers, households and gardens can be shared with those in need. The Hertford Pantry project was an extension of existing well-established local collection, distribution and volunteer networks, and involved teaming up with 'Hertfood'.

Cash for the initiative was secured through the charity Hubbub along with partners Community Alliance Broxbourne and East Herts along with support from the CO-OP supermarket, and local businesses, including builders Holman Simmons Ltd. We've donated the use of the Sele Community Hub and has provided furniture including a gazebo, chairs and folding tables to display the food.  

Tim Goodwin

We strongly believe in giving back to the communities we work in and projects like this show the value of strong local partnerships. We’ve created an important space at the Sele Community Hub and thanks to the support of East Herts Council we’re able to provide this space to the local community free of charge. This in turn has ensured all the projects taking place at the Hub are thriving.

Tim Goodwin, Regeneration Manager at Network Homes
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