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Relocation of Ridgeway tree helps memory to live on

13 July 2016

Regeneration is as much about the community as it is about the bricks and mortar that go into the buildings.

The plans for our new development at the Ridgeway estate in East Hertfordshire include building over an area that was previously grassed. 

Planted here was a commemorative tree, in memory of a young boy who was tragically killed in a road accident.

Resident Liaison Officer, Emma White, said: "The tree is important to the community here and we were keen to ensure that it was safely relocated, enabling the child's memory to live on.

"We worked with Garden Barber to dig up the tree without damaging it and we have replanted it near the soon to be built children's play area on the estate. 

"I'm really pleased that we were able to help Heath's memory to live on."


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