NEW CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT PANELS: We recently announced our new SNG customer framework, with new opportunities for customers to help improve our services and hold us to account. We’re now looking for customers to be a part of our new Customer Influence Panel and our new Scrutiny Panel. Click here to find out more about the new panels, and apply to join by 22 September.

FACEBOOK : Our Facebook accounts for Network Homes and Network Homes sales have been compromised. We’re doing everything we can to liaise with Facebook and resolve this issue. Until then, please do not use our Facebook accounts to contact us and ignore any messages or posts you receive from our Facebook accounts.

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Publishing our Fire Risk Assessments

12 February 2019

We have started to publish Fire Risk Assessments (FRAs) for our high rise buildings on our website.

What is a Fire Risk Assessment?

A Fire Risk Assessment (FRA) is an inspection of our buildings with a communal area. The purpose of a FRA is to help us understand what the potential risks may be and to ensure that we can take the necessary actions to keep you safe in your home.

Why do we do a Fire Risk Assessment? And why are we publishing them?

As a registered provider of social housing, it is a legal requirement that we do a FRA to any building that has a communal area.

In 2018, the Hackitt Report was published looking into building regulations and fire safety following the Grenfell Tower fire, and calling for a new regulatory regime on fire safety. The Social Housing Green Paper was also published in 2018, which called for increased transparency in the social housing sector. You can read our summary of the report here.

We are committing to making our business more transparent, so are publishing the assessments. We have published these first due to the size of the buildings. We will continue publishing more FRAs, which will be available on our new resident portal later this year.

Who does the Fire Risk Assessment?

We employ an experienced, qualified, independent specialist to carry out the inspections for us. They then produce a report (the FRA) with all the information they have gathered and a number of recommendations for us to do. We then put in place a plan to carry out the recommendations to improve the safety of your home.  

Where can I find the FRAs?

You can view the FRAs in the Your home section of our website, under Your block and estate – Fire Risk Assessments.

View the FRAs 

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