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Network Homes welcomes launch of new creative studios in Alperton

08 February 2019

Network Homes welcomed the launch of 27 brand new artist and small business studios yesterday Thursday 7 February in Alperton marking the final piece of a development of 441 high quality homes at 243 Ealing Road.

The studios will be a permanent home to creatives and run by the Artists Studio Company (ASC). They are aimed at a mix of fine artists along with start-ups and mid-career creative businesses. ASC offers them free training, mentoring, and development together with financial support through business growth loans. Priority is given to Brent residents and businesses that would benefit from ASC support. The studios will also be offered at a much reduced rate from comparable units.

As part of the original planning permission for 243 Ealing Road, 10,000 square feet of space was set aside for creative use.


We’re really pleased to see the launch of this exciting new space for creatives and local businesses which is the final part of the jigsaw in the 243 Ealing Road development. It’s a clear example that we’re not just about bricks and mortar but also building dynamic and diverse communities with opportunities and prospects for local people.

David Gooch, Network Homes Executive Director for Development

Peter Flack, Chief Executive Officer at ASC, said: “We had a fantastic launch of our charities amazing new building, 243 Ealing Road last night. It was great to see the building finally occupied with such a broad range of talented creative people. All the visitors I spoke to were so positive about the project and it was nice so many local residents attending. We have purchased a 99 year lease which means the partnerships and commitments we are now developing in Alperton are long term. A big thank you to everyone who has supported the project especially London Borough of Brent and Network Homes.”

Councillor Shama Tatler, Lead Member for Regeneration, Highways & Planning, said: “Brent is home to a community with huge talent and creativity, but many people are held back or priced out in the area because of the lack of affordable workspaces. I am delighted that fantastic local studios like ASC is able to reverse this trend and help to provide a long term, affordable home for a range of creative entrepreneurs in the borough.”

For more information on the studios please visit the ASC website.

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