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BLOG: Greetings from your Continuous Improvement Panel

10 June 2020

By Romy, Resident and Chair of the Continuous Improvement Panel


All of us will have acquired skills and experiences to play an important role in bringing about positive changes to our housing services.


We’re currently experiencing unprecedented, unusual times and many of us might have taken up things we’ve never done before or just simply had no time to investigate, such as my first “make your own bread” attempt which turned out edible! So with a bit more time on our hands, why not give it a go? You can read about, and ideally join, one of the many interesting opportunities that Network Homes provides for us tenants and leaseholders to help them improve in areas we know would benefit from them “doing things differently”.

As for me, I never thought I’d be sitting on a Continuous Improvement Panel of my Housing Association, let alone chair it. A little encounter regarding my service charge made me think, “hmm, I would do this differently”, and I realised the only way I might see a change is helping for change to come about by being part of it. Initially, I was concerned as I knew nothing about housing. Rest assured, Network Homes does provide the relevant training and it’s interesting to learn something new. Needless to say, it doesn’t look bad either on your CV either!

All of us will have acquired skills and experiences to play an important role in bringing about positive changes to our housing services. After having taught Psychology and Humanities for 15 years I witnessed day in and out that the key to improvement is appropriate feedback. Hence, who better to give “constructive feedback” but the very people who experience Network Homes’ services first-hand in our regular dealings with them.

Photograph of Romy next to a dogI’m therefore reaching out to you, Network Homes residents, to get a few more “scrutinisers” on board who will be responsible for examining and scrutinising different areas of Network Homes. Our panel is made up of tenant and leaseholder members who identify where services might fall short, oversee the scrutiny review by smaller sub-groups, examine the findings and make recommendations to the Network Homes Local Panel (comprised of tenants and leaseholders) and from there to the Board. We’re also looking for volunteers to help complete time limited scrutiny tasks.

Curious? Find out more in the Get Involved section on Network Homes’ website. You can also contact the Resident Engagement Team directly at get-involved@networkhomes.org.uk.

Meanwhile, best wishes and stay healthy!


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