NEW CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT PANELS: We recently announced our new SNG customer framework, with new opportunities for customers to help improve our services and hold us to account. We’re now looking for customers to be a part of our new Customer Influence Panel and our new Scrutiny Panel. Click here to find out more about the new panels, and apply to join by 22 September.

FACEBOOK : Our Facebook accounts for Network Homes and Network Homes sales have been compromised. We’re doing everything we can to liaise with Facebook and resolve this issue. Until then, please do not use our Facebook accounts to contact us and ignore any messages or posts you receive from our Facebook accounts.

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Help with waste and recycling collection during the coronavirus crisis

29 May 2020

Local councils, alongside waste disposal authorities, private waste companies and all those who help collect and process our recycling and waste, are working hard together to provide the best possible service while we are dealing with the coronavirus (Covid-19) crisis. Waste and recycling crews are designated as essential front-line workers during the crisis, and they continue to do a fantastic job in very difficult circumstances. They need your help to make sure the service can continue to be delivered as efficiently and safely as possible.

As most of us are now staying at home, it’s likely we’ll create more household waste and put pressure on our recycling and waste services. You can really help by:

  • Regularly checking on your local council’s website for updates on types and frequencies of recycling collection where you live.
  • Not taking any of your waste and recycling to your local tip or recycling centre. This is not defined by the Government as an essential journey, and most local household tips and recycling centres have been closed or have an amended service, such as implementing an appointment system.
  • Trying to minimise the amount of rubbish, recycling and food waste you produce. Every bit you can reduce will make a real difference to maintaining a good service for everyone.
  • Checking locally about what can and can’t be recycled in your council collections.
  • If you’re self-isolating and feeling ill, putting any potentially infected items like used tissues or cleaning cloths into separate plastic bags and double-bagging them. These bags should then be put aside for at least 72 hours (3 days) before you put them out into your external bin.
  • Avoiding doing big clear-outs while at home, which will create more rubbish and recycling for council crews to collect. Please hold onto large items such as furniture, mattresses etc. until the outbreak has subsided; and do not dispose of waste on a bonfire as the smoke causes air pollution and has potential health effects for you and your neighbours.
  • Continuing to wash your hands regularly, maintaining good hygiene when handling your rubbish and recycling and keeping your distance when the workers are doing their collections where you live.

For more information about waste and recycling collection or disposal in your area, visit your local council’s website.

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