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Network Homes publishes gender pay gap report

30 March 2018

Network Homes has today published its gender pay gap in line with new government rules for all companies with 250 employees or more to report this information.

As of 31 March 2017 Network Homes’ gender pay gap figure – the difference between average pay of men and women - was 19.2%. The median was 17%.

The demographic of our workforce and structure of our organisation gives some explanation for the results. For example more women than men work at Network Homes: 69% to 31%.

A significant proportion of our female workforce are in front line customer service and support roles, which tend to offer lower salaries, reflective of the market. 

Our response

Our gender pay gap is not an equal pay issue – which reflects whether women and men are paid differently for the same work – but a result of the lack of female representation at senior levels, mostly in our technical, property development and IT roles. We have a clear pay policy that ensures we maintain the principle of equal pay for all.

Despite this, there is clearly more work to do to close the gender pay gap at Network Homes.

Ultimately we need to create initiatives that open opportunities for more women to reach higher levels of pay, and build a platform where they have the confidence to apply and be successful for higher paid roles.

While there is clearly more we need to be doing, there are also things we can be proud of.

Network Homes is strongly represented by successful women leaders with a female Chief Executive and a female Chair. Half our Board of Directors are women with three being Committee Chairs and the ratio of women to men on our Executive Leadership Team will switch from 30/70% to 40/60% later this year.

Network Homes also has a dedicated equality and diversity engagement group made up of staff volunteers from all levels and departments, including board members. The group scrutinises our diversity and inclusion activities to make sure we are promoting equality and diversity for all stakeholders whether it be staff, residents, contractors or people in the wider community.

Read the full report here.

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