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Newly refurbished community centre in the heart of Stockwell Park Estate reveals its new look and facility

08 December 2017

Stockwell Park Community Centre on the Stockwell Park Estate in Lambeth has been transformed into a brand new modern facility for the local community thanks to funding from Network Homes. The centre’s new look was revealed to the public at a launch event hosted by Network Homes and Community Trust on Tuesday 5 December.

Kate Hoey MP, Lambeth Mayor Councillor Marcia Cameron and Councillor Sally Prentice were present at the official opening event of the newly refurbished centre. They were joined by representatives from local community groups, Network Homes development partners, and residents.

Community Trust manage and run the centre where they provide a safe place for local residents to access essential services such as employment advice, creative community projects, exercise classes and many other support services. When Network Homes took over ownership of the centre in 2007, as part of the transformations of Stockwell Park Estate, retaining the community centre was a key priority. As a result, we invested £1.8 million to refurbish it which included upgrading the centre’s facilities and extending the building.

Network Homes and Community Trust worked together on the new designs to create an amazing new space including a youth recreation centre, café, main hall and an open plan area for activities. They ensured the centre remained open and services were still available to the public while the improvements took place.

Helen Evans, Network Homes’ Chief Executive said: “Transforming Stockwell Park Estate is more than refurbishing existing properties and building new homes. We believe it’s essential to invest in the wider community by retaining and improving services as well as creating opportunities for local residents. Stockwell Park Community Centre provides residents with a variety of support and recreational services.”

The refurbishment of the community centre forms part of Network Homes' £175million transformation of Stockwell Park Estate. Since 2007, we’ve refurbished 457 homes, built six new housing developments and created 473 new homes. This year we started work to rebuild Thrayle House which will be replaced with 177 new, affordable homes. We also provide £120k of annual funding for the Community Centre in addition to the £1.8 million to renovate and repair it.

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